How in the world can we have a thriving culture during this time?

Key takeaway: If forced to choose between culture and employee engagement, choose employee engagement every time because if that is right, it will generate a healthy culture.
Watch this video recording in the series, Perigee’s Virtual Executive Roundtables. Co-host, Brian Audia, shares his perspective during the May 19, 2020 roundtable. The Hot Topic was: Employee engagement and culture – getting it right and wrong.
Co-Host, Biran Audia’s bio
- CEO and founder of Audia, his firm which is a firm that uses a research backed process which I got to see firsthand he didn’t just make all this stuff up and he helps executives become high-performing leaders he helps them successfully communicate their vision energized their teens and advanced organizations toward long-term sustainable success
- As a practitioner, he and his staff and boards have managed tens of thousands around the globe directing humanitarian and social service operations.
- A 5-sport high school varsity athlete and state of Georgia Hall of Fame member, athletics continued into college as a four-year letterman in baseball, twice reaching the world series, once reaching the championship game and personally named MVP.
- He has been married to his wife Melissa since the year 2000 and they have three boys, Caleb, Joshua and Silas.
- Honored as one of the Top 40 Alumni of Auburn University at Montgomery for his impact on the world, alongside two former Chairs of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and a Saudi Prince
Discussion Highlights:
- We’re seeing both negative and positive changes in employee engagement and culture. In the news, we see employees from Amazon to Whole Foods very unhappy and even striking, due to work conditions during this challenging time.
- On the other hand those who get employee engagement right are weathering – and even prospering during – this time.
- The top 8 factors, according to Gallup, and in alignment with Brian’s experience:
- Life-giving work
- Inspiring leaders
- Sustainable strategy
- Great talent
- Healthy communication
- Growth and development – personally and professionally
- Fantastic teams
- Compensation
- Culture & employee engagement are often confused but they are two separate things
- If forced to choose between culture and employee engagement, choose culture every time. The reason is that healthy employee engagement will produce a healthy culture. Culture depends on employee engagement.
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